Yesterday, Girl Scout troop 77461 honored the winners of the candy competition for their Trunk or Treat event. Mrs. Deloney’s class won a root beer float party! #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Coming back from a holiday break is always fun, especially when you get to dress as a twin! Thank you to all that participated in our special Number Sense November Mondays! #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
7th grade students designed and conducted an activity using our school playground. Students are investing kinetic and potential energy in their physical science unit. #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
Third grade enjoyed a special holiday breakfast this morning. Thank you to our parent volunteers who helped make it possible! #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
This is a short week at Holly Academy but there are a lot of fun activities around our beautiful campus! Mr. Kidd was dressed as a hot dog today for the Crust fundraiser incentive. Yesterday, there was a school wide breakfast which hosted students from grades Y5-8th grade, parents and staff. It was a great time and we had over 100 people show up. Thank you to all the volunteers. #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
Hot Dog Day
Enjoy the latest edition of Husky Happenings!
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
Please join us for the opportunity to take part in our director selection process. #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Happy 60th Birthday to Ms. Burns! We hope your day was filled with lots of surprises and birthday wishes! #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education #veteransday
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Students had a blast at today's special assembly. Mrs. Craven, Mr. Kidd and Mr. Spooner were "slimed" by students who earned the honored by selling enough items during a PTO fund raising event. We also had a Math-a-Magic presentation to support "Math Sense November"!
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
We celebrated Veteran's Day by honoring numerous Veterans associated with our school. Holly Academy would like to extend a special THANK YOU to the Tersigni Family for bringing the military vehicles to our school. We would also like to thank the service members; Spc Alex Schwab, Spec Vance Hamilton and Spec JuanPablo Gomez for driving out the vehicles and helping the students explore them. A special thank you to Earl Krupp from Krupps Trucks for the crane, and Joe Siliva for the flag on display. We would also like to send a huge shout out to Mrs. Sullivan for planning this special event! #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education #veteransday
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
Enjoy the latest edition of Husky Happenings! #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
Our first graders celebrated the 50th day of school in style! #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Thank you to everyone who joined in on our number fun! Jenny's number is 867-5309. This popular song came out in 1981 and was performed by Tommy Tutone. Congratulations to Bethany Foster for winning the random drawing for all who participated! We will send your $10 Tim Horton's gift card home with your Husky from Mrs. Sullivan's room. #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
TH Gift cards
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are half days this week. Dismissal begins at 11:30. Wednesday and Thursday students wear uniforms. Friday is a dress down day. #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
half days this week
Number Sense November!!! Parents, if you know the significance of the number, please raise your hand in the comments 🙋‍♀️and stop by the office! #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
The middle school Fall Ball was a huge success! Thank you to Mrs. Price and the dance committee for all your hard work! #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Report cards are coming home today! #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
Report cards coming home today.
Mrs. Shouse's students had a "spooktacular" Halloween in her Science classes. They performed chemical reactions to create oozing and erupting pumpkins! "Bootiful" work! #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Director interviews begin this evening! #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
Holly Academy
Picture Retake Day is tomorrow! #characterdefinesus #powerofthepack #CMUCharters #MICharterStory #charterschools #education
about 1 year ago, Holly Academy
picture retakes